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ACRL: Research as Inquiry;
How to Find CPC Codes for U.S. Patents
This is one of a series of videos we have on patents. It’s all about Cooperative Patent Classifications, and where to find them. This classification system groups similar things together, like the Library of Congress or Dewey call number system that libraries use for shelving books. We are talking about the CPC, cooperative patent classification, developed in 2013 between the US and European patent offices and that’s what’s used for new utility patents in the US. In the older search interface for US patents you really had to have a CPC or the patent number to find things, and while this is no longer the case, it’s much better at using keywords now, there is still value in knowing about these codes and at times using them for your search. USPTO’s classification resources page: [] -
Developing a Research Question
This learning object includes a handout with questions to guide students to developing a research outcome. -
Creating Venn Diagrams in MS PowerPoint
Creating Venn Diagrams in Google Slides
Creating Flowcharts in Google Slides
Creating Flowcharts in MS PowerPoint
Creating Scatter Plots in Google Sheets
Creating Scatter Plots in MS Excel
Creating Line Graphs in Google Sheets
Creating Line Graphs in MS Excel
Creating Box and Whisker Plots in MS Excel
Creating Hierarchy Diagrams in Google Slides