Library Basics "Library Basics" covers materials on how to use the library and library services. This section covers a variety of information, such as how to use equipment in the Maker Space and exploring the physical space of the libraries. Basics on how to use library services are also included, such as how to request materials through interlibrary loan.
Research Planning "Research Planning" covers resources to help students plan their research, including how to form research questions, prepare literature reviews, and focus their topics.
Searching Library Collections, Databases, and other Resources "Searching" includes learning objects that give students strategies on how to best search for information on their topics using our library collections, such as the catalog, subject-specific databases, and more.
Source Evaluation "Source Evaluation" includes resources on how to help students evaluate the sources they find when conducting research and browsing through websites and news sources online.
Citations "Citations" includes materials to help students with the basics of how to use citations for their research papers.
Teaching Ideas This section offers materials for professional development, including internal trainings for library staff as well as information literacy strategies faculty and staff can use in the classroom.
Research Data Includes information on how to create diagrams, flowcharts, and graphs to present data.
Information as a Creative Process This collection includes learning materials that focus on projects that inspire students to create.